Quarantine recipes, face masks, and modern-day heroes: a company thinking of others
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Marisa de Lecce: A Company Making a Difference During COVID
June 3, 2020 by nanmckay
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: awareness, business, Coronavirus, COVID-19, event, face masks, health, healthcare heroes, healthcare workers, Hermoza, heroes, internet radio, Marisa De Lecce, modern day heroes, Nan McKay, online radio, pandemic, philip rivers, podcast, quarantine, recipes, Swimwear, TrailBlazers Impact, Womens Radio, WomensRadio
Online Author Platform, Social Media Branding & Cookbook Author
June 25, 2013 by Jennifer S. Wilkov

Elissa Liu discusses the importance of social media &Tamara Reynolds talks about her new book FORKING FANTASTIC…
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: author, book marketing, book publishing, celebrity chef, chef, cookbook, cooking channel, dinner party, Elissa Liu, Facebook, Forking Fantastic, get a book deal, Heifer International, how to write a book, instagram, jennifer s wilkov, jennifer wilkov, LinkedIn, party, pinterest, Project Night Night, public relations, publicity, publishing, publishing a book, read to feed, recipe, recipes, social media, Spark Growth Partners, Tamara Reynolds, twitter, unique eats, women, WomensRadio, Wordpress, writer, writing, writing a book, your book is your hook, YouTube
Green Marketing, Publishing & Big Vegan Cookbook
March 6, 2012 by Jennifer S. Wilkov

She Horowitz, a green/ethical marketing consultant & copywriter of GreenAndProfitable.com, talks green book marketing & publishing and Robin Asbell, a chef, food writer, and cooking teacher specializing in natural foods, talks about her “Big Vegan” cookbook.
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: author, book marketing, chef, cooking teacher, environment, food writer, green, green marketing, jennifer s wilkov, jennifer wilkov, marketing, media, natural foods, New Vegetarian, organic, public relations, publicity, publishing, recipes, Robin Asbell, Shel Horowitz, vegan, vegan recipes, vegetarian, vegetarian recipes, women, writer, writing, your book is your hook
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