David Morrell discusses what he’s learned in his four decades as an author and talks about his new book, MURDER AS A FINE ART.
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NY Times Bestseller David Morrell & Resources for How to Write a Book
July 30, 2013 by Jennifer S. Wilkov
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: author, book marketing, book publishing, fine art, get a book deal, Heifer International, how to write a book, how to write a novel, jennifer s wilkov, jennifer wilkov, Murder as a Fine Art, mystery, novel writing, novelist, Project Night Night, public relations, publicity, publishing, publishing a book, read to feed, the successful novelist, thriller novel, thriller writing, Victorian, WomensRadio, writer, writing, writing a book, your book is your hook
ThrillerFest, Writers Conferences, & Thriller Master Anne Rice
July 9, 2013 by Jennifer S. Wilkov
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: Anne Rice, author, book marketing, book publishing, get a book deal, Heifer International, how to write a book, Interview with the Vampire, jennifer s wilkov, jennifer wilkov, Kimberley Howe, Project Night Night, public relations, publicity, publishing, publishing a book, read to feed, supernatural fiction, The Vampire Chronicles, The Wolf Gift Chronicles, thriller novel, thriller writing, ThrillerFest, witches, women, WomensRadio, writer, writers conferences, writing, writing a book, your book is your hook
Online Author Platform, Social Media Branding & Cookbook Author
June 25, 2013 by Jennifer S. Wilkov

Elissa Liu discusses the importance of social media &Tamara Reynolds talks about her new book FORKING FANTASTIC…
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: author, book marketing, book publishing, celebrity chef, chef, cookbook, cooking channel, dinner party, Elissa Liu, Facebook, Forking Fantastic, get a book deal, Heifer International, how to write a book, instagram, jennifer s wilkov, jennifer wilkov, LinkedIn, party, pinterest, Project Night Night, public relations, publicity, publishing, publishing a book, read to feed, recipe, recipes, social media, Spark Growth Partners, Tamara Reynolds, twitter, unique eats, women, WomensRadio, Wordpress, writer, writing, writing a book, your book is your hook, YouTube
News: Platform Tool, Literary Internet Creator & “Hoarders” Author
June 11, 2013 by Jennifer S. Wilkov

Ron Hogan discusses finding books in today’s digital age & DOROTHY THE ORGANIZER talks her new book STUFF YOUR FACE OR FACE YOUR STUFF
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: a&e television, A&E's Hoarders, arts and entertainment, author, Beatrice, beatrice.com, blog, book, book marketing, book publishing, documentary, dorothy breininger, dorothy the organizer, Dr. Phil, Dr. Phil Show, emmy-nominated, favorite book, Forbes, get a book deal, Heifer International, hoarder, Hoarders, hoarding, how to write a book, independent bookseller, independent booksellers, indie bookseller, institute for challenging disorganization, jennifer s wilkov, jennifer wilkov, Journalist, literary, literary lnternet, literary website, Most Innovative Organizer Award, NAPO-LA, national association of professional organizers, national lecturer, national speaker, new favorite book, new writers, new york city, ny, o magazine, O Magazines, organizer, organizing, our Book Is Your Hook, PBS, professional organizer, Project Night Night, public relations, publicity, publishing, publishing a book, queens, QVC, Radio Show, read, read to feed, readers, recruits authors, ron hogan, Saving Our Parents, Small Business Association Award Winner, stuff your face or face your stuff, television, television show, the handsell, the handsell with ron hogan & ..., The VIEW, today show, tv, TV series, VIEW, Wall Street Journal, women, WomensRadio, womesnradio.com, writer, Writers, writing, writing a book, your book is your hook, your book is your hook! show
BookExpo America, Networking, & Author/Journalist Patti Davis
May 28, 2013 by Jennifer S. Wilkov

Steven Rosato, Event Director of Book Expo America talks about the BEA event and Author/Journalist Patti Davis discusses Self-Publishing
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: Alzehimer's Support Group, Alzheimer's, Amazon, Amazon.com, America, author, authors, BEA, Beyond Alzheimer's, book, Book Publishing Industry, BookExpo, BookExpo America, books, children’s books, ComicCon, Conferences, consumers, CreateSpace, creating a better world, CS, Director of Industry Development, Director of Sales, Director Strategic Accounts, Event Director, events, Expo, family, Global Education Opportunites, Harper's Bazaar, Homeless Children, Industry Professional, jennifer s wilkov, jennifer wilkov, Journalist, KDP, Kindle Direct Publishing, Ladies' Home Journal, latest books, los angeles, love for reading, More, Mr. Steven Rosato, networking, New York ComicCon, newsweek, Night Night Packages, North America, passion, Patti Davis, platform, Project Night Night, public, publishers, Publishing Event, read to feed, Reagan Family, Reed Exhibitions, Ronald Reagan, Self Published, self-publishing, self-publishing platforms, Service-Learning Program, Steven Rosato, The Lives Our Mothers Leave Us, The Long Goodbye, Till Human Voices Wake Us, Time, Town and Country, trade publishers, Traditional Publishing, Writers, your book is your hook
Social Proof, Online Book Club, & Harvard Author Outsmarting Anger
May 14, 2013 by Jennifer S. Wilkov

Kristen Weber, co-founder of Shelf Pleasure talks leveraging reader sites & Harvard Author Dr. Joseph Shrand discusses Outsmarting Anger
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: anger, author, author platform, book club, book marketing, book shelf, bookshelf, CASTLE, Dr Joseph Shrand, Harvard, Harvard Medical School, Heifer International, High Point Treatment Center, Independence Academy, jennifer s wilkov, jennifer wilkov, Kristen Weber, nonfiction, novel, Outsmarting Anger, Project Night Night, public relations, publicity, read to feed, reading, respect, Road to Responsibility, romance, Shelf Pleasure, thriller, WomensRadio, writer, writing, your book is your hook
Author Platform, Blogging & Book Club Author Rochelle Weinstein
April 30, 2013 by Jennifer S. Wilkov

Vikram Rajan, founder of Practice Marketing, Inc., talks blogging & book club author Rochelle Weinstein discusses WHAT WE LEAVE BEHIND
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: author, author platform, Blogging, book marketing, entrepreneur, fiction, Heifer International, jennifer s wilkov, jennifer wilkov, love, love lost and found, marketing, novel, phone blogging, Practice Marketing, Project Night Night, public relations, publicity, publishing, read to feed, Rochelle Weinstein, romance, The Mourning After, Vikram Rajan, vlogging, What We Leave Behind, women, WomensRadio, writer, writing, your book is your hook
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