Jennifer Enderlin, Vice President & Associate Publisher at St. Martin’s Press, talks about publishing and international best-selling author Michael Palmer talks about his new book “Oath of Office.”
St. Martin’s Press & Bestseller Michael Palmer
Thriller Novels & Explosives with Bestseller John Gilstrap

John Gilstrap, the New York Times bestselling author, will talk about his next book in the Jonathan Grave series coming out in June this year entitled “Damage Control.”
Book Video Trailers & Bestseller Vincent Zandri

David Title, a video producer and digital strategist with Bravo Stage and Media, and No. 1 International Best-Selling Author Vincent Zandri talks THE REMAINS and his new publisher, Amazon’s Thomas & Mercer.
Children’s Book Editor & YA Novelist Libba Bray

Alvina Ling, the Editorial Director at Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, talks children’s books and best-selling author Libba Bray talks about her YA novel, “Beauty Queens”, and writing for young adults.
Business Management, Accounting & Carla Neggers

Anita Katzen of Schulman, Wolfson & Abruzzo LLP – Certified Public Accountants talks accounting & business management, and New York Times bestseller Carla Neggers talks about her new contemporary romance novel, SECRETS OF THE LOST SUMMER.
Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest & Teenage Novelist

Thom Kephart, the Community Outreach Manager for Amazon, will discuss the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest and 15 year old Sarah Renee is the author and illustrator of 3 books and counting.
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