Corinna Majno-Kaufman talks about how the New Living Expo will highlight the topic of “healing.”
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Discover The Meaning of “Healing” at the New Living Expo
April 7, 2015 by Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief
Filed Under: Health Tagged With: addiction, addictions, april, attend, california, Corinna Majno-Kaufman, diet, disorder, eat, eating, eating disorder, event, featured organization, heal, healing, health, Internet, internet radio, Media Partner, new living expo, on-demand radio, online, online radio, pat lynch, personal addiction, radio, recovery, san mateo, san mateo event center, speak up, women, women's radiow, women1994, Womens Radio, WomensRadio
Eating Disorder Concerns During the Holidays
November 26, 2013 by Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief

Jennifer Lombardi discusses why the holidays can be a difficult time for people who have or are recovering from an eating disorder.
Filed Under: Health Tagged With: celebrate, christmas, dinner, disorder, eat, eating, eating disorder, eating recovery center of califronia, family, featured organization, food, health, holiday, holidays, Internet, internet radio, Jennifer Lombardi, love, meal, on-demand, on-demand radio, online, online radio, pat lynchs, radio, speak up, speak ups, support, thanksgiving, Wellness, women1994
The Summit Illuminates National Eating Disorders Awareness Week!
February 26, 2013 by Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief
Summit Says Stay Happy and Healthy!
October 30, 2012 by Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief

Jennifer Lombardi discusses the programs that the Summit Eating Disorders and Outreach Program has in place to treat its patients.
Filed Under: Health Tagged With: anorexia, belemia, christmas, disorder, eating, eating disorder, featured organization, food, health, holiday, Jennifer Lombardi, pat lynch, speak up, speakup, Summit Eating Disorders and Outreach Program, thanksgiving
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