David Barrett shares how Dedicated To You will effectively serve the growing organic market unlike any other company.
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Dedicated To You Pioneers In Organic Agriculture
June 18, 2015 by Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: agriculture, alcohol, audioacrobat, beer, business, certified organic, craft beer, David Barrett, Dedicated To You, green, green house, green-friendly, hop, internet radio, invest, investor, mother earth, online radio, organic, organic agriculture, organic farm, organic farming, organic gourmet, organic growth, Organic vegetables, pat lynch, radio, radio for women, speak up, sustainability, sustainable, sustainable agriculture, The Organic Consumer Association, women, Womens Radio, WomensCalendar, WomensRadio
Flax Is A Mighty Fine Food!
February 24, 2015 by David Barrett, Editor
Filed Under: Health Tagged With: David Barrett, flax seed, food, Grain Millers, health, Linda Pizzey, radio for women, women's radio network, Womens Radio, WomensRadio
Local Food is the Best Food
February 24, 2015 by David Barrett, Editor

Rachel Dahl talks about the importance of making local foods much more accessible to people everywhere.
Filed Under: Health Tagged With: David Barrett, Food Facts, Internet, internet radio, local, local food, Local Foods Local Places, online, online radio, Rachel Dahl, radio, women's radio network, Womens Radio, WomensRadio
Sustainable Food Production is Our Future
February 23, 2015 by David Barrett, Editor
Filed Under: Health Tagged With: beef, cattle, David Barrett, earth, farm, farming, Food Facts, grass fed, green, green-friendly, health, Internet, Matt McKinney, mother earth, online, online radio, radio, radio for women, sustainability, sustainable, women's radio network, Womens Radio, WomensRadio
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