Dr. Bertie Simmons shares her life events as described in her beautiful book, “Whispers of Hope.”
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Spreading Messages of Hope and Equality
August 27, 2020 by Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief
Filed Under: U.S. Tagged With: activist, author, book, change, discrimination, Dr. Bertie Simmons, educator, equal, equality, Female Activist, George Floyd, internet radio, on-demand radio, online radio, pat lynch, podcast, race, Racial Injustice, Racism, speak up, Whispers of Hope: The Story of My Life, women's radio network, women1994, Womens Radio, WomensRadio
Molly McKay Wiliams: The Story of a LGBTQ Marriage Equality Advocate
April 9, 2020 by nanmckay

Listen to how she stayed true to the LGBTQ activist cause despite personal heart break with the twist of a surprising new beginning.
Filed Under: U.S. Tagged With: activist, career, civil rights, culture, discrimination, empower, entrepreneur, gay pride, history, insight, inspirational, journey, leaders, LGBT, LGBTQ, life, marriage equality, mckay, Molly McKay, Molly McKay Williams, Nan McKay, podcast, pride parade, retire, san francisco, stories, struggles, trailblazers, TrailBlazers Impact podcast, women
Truth Worker Activist Samara Gaev
January 12, 2015 by Susun Weed
Filed Under: World Tagged With: activist, dance, doula, educator, healing, peace, performer, personalgrowth, potential, samara gaev, self-confidence, wisdom
Actress, Author and Activist
December 20, 2013 by Sharon Riegie Maynard
Filed Under: World Tagged With: activist, civic, Dandelion, Insurrection, leadership, media, politics, Protest, radio, Rivera Sun, Sharon Riegie Maynard, weaving the world, women
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