Interview with Casey Santiago, CEO of Kangu, a social media site that allows crowdfunding for pregnant women in developing countries
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For Mother’s Day, help fund a needy mother through
May 7, 2013 by Richard Gracer
Filed Under: Health Tagged With: Casey Santiago, crowdfunding, Kangu,, needy mothers, New Prescription for Health, richard gracer
Investing in Young Entrepreneurs Worth Risk
June 6, 2012 by Tamara Bell
Filed Under: Business Tagged With: crowdfunding, funding, Gen Y Entrepreneurs, investors, JOBS Act, Keeping Up with Gen Y, marketing, Peerbackers, Sally Outlaw, social media, tamara bell
Clean Water to Save Lives Globally One Filter at a Time
May 30, 2012 by Robin Eschler

Hear how you can help save lives one filter at a time with Safewater International and Ning Jiang, a PhD student developing a low-cost, family water filter system for use in areas of extreme poverty.
Filed Under: World Tagged With: clean water, crowd funding, crowdfunding, extreme poverty, global water, Ning Jiang, safe water, safewater international, socially conscious investing, water quality
Funding Science Takes a New Face: CrowdFunding
May 23, 2012 by Robin Eschler

Crowdfunding for science – educating and inspiring the world to support change for the better. Dr. Jai Ranganathan and Dr. Jarrett Byrnes share their new concept and the research behind it.
Filed Under: World Tagged With: biodiversity, crowd fund, crowd funding, crowdfunding, fund science, funding science, Jai Ranganathanm, Jarrett Byrnes, science funding, SciFundChallenge, socially conscious investing
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